Saturday, April 18, 2009

NBC Washington DC - Bias Much?

In spite of having the lowest ratings week after week (between the cable news channels), MSNBC (along with NBC) continue to spew their left-wing talking points as if they are part of the administration. They seem to have now abandoned all principle by failing to do a proper background search to make certain that the information they put out is factually correct. The local NBC News in Washington D.C posted a video on their webpage from the Tea Party that took place on April 15th. Low and Behold the video is a PHONY and was staged by a left-wing group that has a history of engaging in this kind of garbage (remember the so called “Billionaires for Bush” nonsense)! After watching the video for less than a minute and hearing these fake protestors repeatedly shout “Lower the minimum wage”, I instantly recognized the illegitimacy of the video. I can only assume that the person who posted this video on NBC knew as well but chose to ignore that little fact considering it was most likely inconvenient to their personal views. I’ll even bet that he or she is amused by the disruption they have made.
Having taken a few journalism courses in college, I was taught that ethics are important. Once the trust is gone then your power to report the news is tarnished. If you pay attention to the previous line, I did write “report the news” because the next important thing to remember is that a journalist should always REPORT the news, not MAKE it. The worst thing you can do is BECOME the news!
So not only does NBC and MSNBC make crude and vulgar remarks about the tea party protestors being “tea baggers” (as a lady, I feel disgusting for even writing that word down) but they post a video of a counterfeit protest as the real thing. I just became aware of this story a few minutes ago but if you look at the website, there are a little less than 700 comments about the video. A lot of people have expressed anger over the fake video and yet the story is still up on their website. What’s the deal?!
Will NBC apologize for their “blunder”? Only time will tell but I suspect that their apology will fall short on sincerity. They’ll express regret for posting the wrong video and will act as innocent bystanders as if the whole thing is a "misunderstanding". Ohh Woe is me!
Well to that I say "Wahhh"…I’m switching to WJLA ABC News on Channel 7 from this point forward. Though they are an improvement (as anything compared to NBC is), it’s probably not too much better.
Oh well, what can you do?

* Update *

Apparently it has been 2 days and NBC Washington D.C has not taken the video off!

This is truly maddening! I mean at this point I should expect it but I still find it hard to believe that they would make up a story! As many videos posted on YOUTUBE by tea party attendees, they choose to post one that not only falsely represents the tea party as a whole but come to find out that the insulting video is a Phony! What happened to ethics again? Is it even a word anymore?

I'd rather not post the video on my blog but I'll post the NBC link which has the video on their page.


Kandy said...

Is anyone shocked? One example of how many!?

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