Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Presidents Press Conference Dullness

I think this whole Power business is getting to President Obama. Was it really necessary to cut into prime time for his press conference which provided not one iota of new information? This wasn’t a pop quiz and he had time to study in order to answer questions appropriately, allowing his answers to be relevant and clear. So I ask you, why didn’t he? I’m not exactly sure what reality shows he cut into (I’m just glad it wasn’t “The Office”) but I’m sure millions of other Americans love those programs. In my opinion, if you’re going to interrupt others schedules, it’s imperative that you have important information to announce. I find it insulting to treat us like ignorant uneducated fools who do not know when we are being driven around in a circle. He didn’t answer one question…not one. There were so many random twists and turns.

Additionally, why didn’t the President call on any of the major newspapers? I think it’s great to give smaller papers the chance to ask questions but isn’t it odd that the Wall Street Journal, New York Times, USA Today, and the Washington Post were snubbed in order to ask questions from Univision, Ebony, Politico, some blog, etc. Wouldn’t it make sense to have a financial newspaper ask a question considering we are in a recession? No of course not. Only in Obama land do you call on a celebrity and entertainment magazine instead of the WSJ or some other financial newspaper/magazine.

(via Politico)
Obama skipped over the nation's top newspapers. Indeed, there were no questions
from the NY Times, Washington Post, Wall Street Journal or USA Today. That might
not sit well with the already insecure newspaper industry.

Finally, the teleprompter was moved after much criticism on his past few appearances.

Obama -- relying on a familiar crutch -- read it off a flat-screen monitor perched at the back of the East Room.
The teleprompter was no help during the question-and-answer session(reporters don't signal their intentions), but Obama was no less careful during that give and take.


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