Tuesday, March 17, 2009

President Obama to Appear on the Tonight Show

President Obama will be a guest on the "Tonight Show" with Jay Leno this coming Thursday (March 19). It’ll be his first late night talk show interview since being elected President.
Quite honestly, I don’t really think that I can watch it. I respect everyone’s right to an opinion, including my own! I don’t like fakeness (that’s not a word, I know, I know) and can’t stand lies (I’m sure most agree). The difference is, I don’t hide it to be polite, I keep my friends close and all others further away. Anyways, I better stop myself before I get lost in a totally different subject and won’t even remember what I’m talking about (happens frequently).
I cannot watch President Obama because I feel like he’s a fraud. I know this will make some people really angry but that’s okay. It’s just my view.
When I watch him speak (off a teleprompter of course), I feel like its phony bologna and I’m over it!
I judge actions, words are empty otherwise! So far, I’m not digging his actions too much!


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