Sunday, April 19, 2009

Double Standard Much?

This is good...reallllll good!

Short story shorter or long story shorter (which ever way you would like to put it) a left-wing group called MoveOndotOrg held a contest where people could submit ads attacking President Bush. The video below called "Child's Play" won the contest.
Just take a look at it and let me know why these people aren't up in arms about President Obama's budget which screws my generation and several generations after out of their own hard earned money.
Where are they? Where's the opposition? The double standard is incredible. This begs the question, were they truly against the spending or against whatever President Bush did? I think their silence on our present spending situation answers that question pretty clearly! If they were sincere about being against massive debt and deficits, they would have joined the tea parties that took place on April 15th instead of joining in on attacking the attendees and calling them vulgar and distasteful names. Just another example (of many)...

Watch the video below,
Redstate took over the ad and made it (how should I put)...Current!


Anonymous said...

Not surprising! I think we all should be pretty mad about the spending going on!

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