There are reports that Supreme Court Justice David Souter plans on retiring at the end of the courts current term. Before you get nervous (as I did before I found out who was retiring), Souter typically votes with the liberals on the court, which means that there will likely not be a shift in the balance of power. We all know that Barack Obama will appoint someone whose views coincide with the far left, I’m just worried that he will choose an activist judge.
(What I’m about to say is not a joke though it may sound like one)
Obama’s criteria to pick a judge? Empathy! I kid you not, this nonsensical answer was given during the campaign (wait isn’t the campaign still going on) as a decisive factor in selecting a judge. I truly do not know whether to laugh because it sounds so ridiculous or cry because this is our new reality thanks to Obama!
There’s also going to be a lot of pressure from different groups pushing Obama to vote for a minority or a female. While I qualify in both of those categories, I’d rather choose people based on their credentials. I don’t think we should discriminate anyone, male or female, black or white, young or old...who cares! I want to know that you’re the most qualified and more importantly, that you will follow the constitution no matter what your personal beliefs are!
By the way, David Souter was appointed by the first President Bush. I’m hoping that Obama will make the same mistake when he makes his appointment. Okay so I can hope but come on…You really think that Barack Obama will accidently misjudge his appointment. Yeah, didn’t think so.
How radical do you think his selection will be? Based on Obama’s views and statements, I bet it’s going to be pretty extreme.
Helen Thomas Shocks Us By Acting Like A Real Journalist
This you've got to watch!
It’s about time someone spoke up; it’s just very surprising to hear that
it’s Helen Thomas. Though, I suspect that if the Obama wa...
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