Saturday, March 14, 2009

Stewart .vs. Kramer

John Stewart vs. Jim Cramer
I used to be able to stand John Stewarts show and his daily rants. Did I agree with his assessments? Probably never but I could deal with him nonetheless. These days, I find him so annoying that I cannot deal with a minute of his face!
What’s got Stewart so mad, is it Cramer’s advice and stock picks? Of course not!
Here’s the timeline...
Rick Santelli goes on CNBC and criticizes the Obama administration for their spending craze. A few weeks later, Cramer (who is not known for being conservative) surprisingly goes on air and says that Obama’s policy will be the greatest destruction of wealth that we have ever seen. Call me crazy but I don’t think that John Stewart is a huge supporter of the 1st amendment. Opinions are okay as long as they agree with his. After the negative comments by these two men, all of a sudden, as fast as you can snap your fingers, Stewart went on air criticizing and just going off on CNBC.
Learn your lesson folks, make fun of this administration and they will either send Gibbs or John Stewart after you! I guess Rahm Emmanuel was too busy going after Rush Limbaugh with his buddy James Carville.
Now please follow me, raise your arm in the air and wave goodbye. Just wanted you to wave bye to your freedom of speech before it’s fully taken away!
My advice to Cramer, do not go on his show because you know he is going to attack you! If you do decide to show up, have some guts and defend yourself! Poor guy...he looks like he just wants Stewart to like him! Who the heck cares what a-fake-journalist-comedian-wannabe-actor thinks about you! I would tell him to shove it and leave!


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