Sunday, March 29, 2009

Cherry Blossom Time In DC

It's that beautiful time of year in DC! Cherry Blossom Time!
This year, the peak bloom period is expected to be from April 1-4. The entire blooming period is from March 28-April 11.
I haven't gone out there yet but I will, hopefully...just as soon as the rain stops! The weather has been so blah lately!

(pics from

Saturday, March 28, 2009

Shout Heard Around The World

Thursday, March 26, 2009

Semi-Celeb Photo Silliness

Complex Magazine posted an original photo from their photoshoot of celebrity (oops semi-celebrity) Kim Kardashian on their website…blah blah blah, by afternoon they replaced the photo with one they had altered and airbrushed (as you can see in the side by side comparison to your left).
I mean we all know that these magazines Photoshop and airbrush to make the celeb or model look flawless. No big surprise there!
I don’t want to spend too much time on this story, so I won’t but I want young girls and all women in our celeb-crazed society to understand reality. Everyone has flaws!
Here’s what Kim Kardiashian had to say on the subject:

Complex later replaced the pic with the photoshopped version,
causing all of this drama. But you know what, who cares! So what: I have a
little cellulite. What curvy girl doesn't!?

How many people do you think are photoshopped? It happens all the time!

You go girl! Good for her!

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Ain't That The Truth!

I cant think of anything better to say than..."Ain't that the truth" after watching this video.
( please note that all of the clips are from NBC and MSNBC, both left wing channels)

Presidents Press Conference Dullness

I think this whole Power business is getting to President Obama. Was it really necessary to cut into prime time for his press conference which provided not one iota of new information? This wasn’t a pop quiz and he had time to study in order to answer questions appropriately, allowing his answers to be relevant and clear. So I ask you, why didn’t he? I’m not exactly sure what reality shows he cut into (I’m just glad it wasn’t “The Office”) but I’m sure millions of other Americans love those programs. In my opinion, if you’re going to interrupt others schedules, it’s imperative that you have important information to announce. I find it insulting to treat us like ignorant uneducated fools who do not know when we are being driven around in a circle. He didn’t answer one question…not one. There were so many random twists and turns.

Additionally, why didn’t the President call on any of the major newspapers? I think it’s great to give smaller papers the chance to ask questions but isn’t it odd that the Wall Street Journal, New York Times, USA Today, and the Washington Post were snubbed in order to ask questions from Univision, Ebony, Politico, some blog, etc. Wouldn’t it make sense to have a financial newspaper ask a question considering we are in a recession? No of course not. Only in Obama land do you call on a celebrity and entertainment magazine instead of the WSJ or some other financial newspaper/magazine.

(via Politico)
Obama skipped over the nation's top newspapers. Indeed, there were no questions
from the NY Times, Washington Post, Wall Street Journal or USA Today. That might
not sit well with the already insecure newspaper industry.

Finally, the teleprompter was moved after much criticism on his past few appearances.

Obama -- relying on a familiar crutch -- read it off a flat-screen monitor perched at the back of the East Room.
The teleprompter was no help during the question-and-answer session(reporters don't signal their intentions), but Obama was no less careful during that give and take.

Monday, March 23, 2009

Obama On 60 minutes | Awkward Much?

Did the president laugh inappropriately during the CBS 60 minute interview?
I'm not one to say that the President is not allowed to laugh just because the topic is a serious one. That would be ridiculous. But... (of course there is a but...there's always a but) I do think that this is an example of President Obama's view of this economic disaster. He's so calm, cool and collected...yeah maybe too cool! In this specific case, the laugh was completely awkward!
He sees this mess as an opportunity. As his chief of staff Rahm Emmanuel once said, never let a good crisis go to waste. In other words, when times are getting tough and sh-t hits the fan, people get desperate. You are more inclined to say yes to something that you may have not said yes to before. Basically, when you're down you will reach for a hand to help you get up and in this case the government has convinced you that they are your only option to get back up again. Therefore, you will let them do anything that they say will "help" so you can stand back up. They are aware of this, so why fix the economy? Lets let it go further down, blame the previous administration, blame George Bush (you know, no one will ever get tired of that) and pass laws to gain control over every aspect of our country and its people. Whats more important than money to individuals? Power!
So back to this 60 minute interview, do I think it was inappropriate? In this circumstance, yes! Even Steve Kroft paused for a moment and proceeded to ask Obama if he was "Punch-drunk". I just think that the tone was a tad off and people are looking to him for confidence, not humor. Get off Jay Leno, stop worrying about your NCAA picks, get off ESPN, and get serious! This is not a joke. Humor is great but there is a time and a place.

Michael Steele Raps

Okay, so obviously he didn't make up a rap but the folks over at Comedy Central put this together. Stephen Colbert (from the Colbert Report) challenged Michael Steele to a Rap battle. I don't think Steele ever returned his call (he obviously has far more important things to do), so this was put together from his past interviews.
I think its hilarious! I like Michael Steele and I think hes gotten off to a rough start as chairman of the RNC but I think he can pull it off. He is an excellent fundraiser which is one of the most important duties of a party chairman. Anyways, enjoy the vid!

Thursday, March 19, 2009

Cafe No-Pricing Policy

I usually flock towards Starbucks when I’m really thirsty and in need of something cool, icy, and very sweet! My choice in drink varies from time to time but lately it’s been a grande frapuccino which costs about $4.00. What if I could choose what to pay for it? What if I was asked to pay what I thought was “fair”? I don’t think Starbucks is going to adopt this policy anytime soon but a café in Ohio has not only implemented this business plan but has also been quite successful doing so.
The café did away with pricing and allows the customer to pay want they want. According to its owner, Java Street Cafes sales and customer count has gone up between 50-100% daily. The best part of the story…the café may hire more staff because of its recent success...(Video from CNN about the cafe added at the bottom). It’s definitely nice to hear about a business doing well and hiring since all of the news seems to be about the recession, bailouts, and job loss.
I will also use this opportunity to address another point. Where’s the assistance for small businesses? If small businesses generate 60-80% of net new jobs annually, then why don’t we provide relief for the business community?
I’m upset about the AIG bonuses also but I’m outraged about the lack of concern for small business owners!
(As for my Starbucks, I already think $4 bucks is a bit hefty for a drink! If I had to pay what was fair…I know I wouldn’t pay over that amount but I wouldn’t pay less than $3. I guess it would depend on the service I received. Actually, this is far more difficult than I ever imagined! You don’t want to come off looking super cheap but you don’t want to pay too much!)

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Happy St. Pattys Day!

Happy St Patricks Day!

The First Lady brought a Chicago tradition to the White House. The fountains were colored green in honor of St. Patricks Day.


(Below are pictures of the Chicago River on St. Patricks Day)
Very Festive! This tradition has been going on for about 40 years now.

President Obama to Appear on the Tonight Show

President Obama will be a guest on the "Tonight Show" with Jay Leno this coming Thursday (March 19). It’ll be his first late night talk show interview since being elected President.
Quite honestly, I don’t really think that I can watch it. I respect everyone’s right to an opinion, including my own! I don’t like fakeness (that’s not a word, I know, I know) and can’t stand lies (I’m sure most agree). The difference is, I don’t hide it to be polite, I keep my friends close and all others further away. Anyways, I better stop myself before I get lost in a totally different subject and won’t even remember what I’m talking about (happens frequently).
I cannot watch President Obama because I feel like he’s a fraud. I know this will make some people really angry but that’s okay. It’s just my view.
When I watch him speak (off a teleprompter of course), I feel like its phony bologna and I’m over it!
I judge actions, words are empty otherwise! So far, I’m not digging his actions too much!

Sunday, March 15, 2009


Just found this interesting...

Designer toilet paper! No, I'm not joking. It got me thinking, how did we go so long without such a product!? Okay so I was totally joking just then but seriously I don't know what to think about this! It is cute and maybe guest bathroom worthy? Other than that, I don't know why I would shell out $13-15 for 6 rolls of toilet paper...especially since our economy is doing sooo well. ha. ha.

Fab Movie | 500 Days of Summer |

So I stumbled upon this movie preview and I think I may be looking forward to watching it...maybe

(Give me a break, I'm indecisive)

Saturday, March 14, 2009

Stewart .vs. Kramer

John Stewart vs. Jim Cramer
I used to be able to stand John Stewarts show and his daily rants. Did I agree with his assessments? Probably never but I could deal with him nonetheless. These days, I find him so annoying that I cannot deal with a minute of his face!
What’s got Stewart so mad, is it Cramer’s advice and stock picks? Of course not!
Here’s the timeline...
Rick Santelli goes on CNBC and criticizes the Obama administration for their spending craze. A few weeks later, Cramer (who is not known for being conservative) surprisingly goes on air and says that Obama’s policy will be the greatest destruction of wealth that we have ever seen. Call me crazy but I don’t think that John Stewart is a huge supporter of the 1st amendment. Opinions are okay as long as they agree with his. After the negative comments by these two men, all of a sudden, as fast as you can snap your fingers, Stewart went on air criticizing and just going off on CNBC.
Learn your lesson folks, make fun of this administration and they will either send Gibbs or John Stewart after you! I guess Rahm Emmanuel was too busy going after Rush Limbaugh with his buddy James Carville.
Now please follow me, raise your arm in the air and wave goodbye. Just wanted you to wave bye to your freedom of speech before it’s fully taken away!
My advice to Cramer, do not go on his show because you know he is going to attack you! If you do decide to show up, have some guts and defend yourself! Poor guy...he looks like he just wants Stewart to like him! Who the heck cares what a-fake-journalist-comedian-wannabe-actor thinks about you! I would tell him to shove it and leave!

Dont Make Me Walk Far

I’ve had something on my mind for quite some time now and it desperately needs to come out before I explode.
So how many people have seen these stupid parking spaces for “hyyybrid cars”?
Riiiidiculous! Look I understand that these cars are better for the environment and I am aware that these cars cost less to fill up, therefore saving you money in the future and the enviroment. I totally support it! Here is the issue… I already have a car that is paid off and considering whos working for us here in the wonderful capitol, we are sure to be trapped in this awful economy for some time. Due to the incompetence of our elected officials and those nominated by our elected officials (Ahem Geithner anyone?) loans are not being issued and buying a car is simply not a luxury most can afford. Luckily, I have no need for a new car right now. I am perfectly content with the one I drive.
For that reason, I will park wherever I would like! Everyone talks about fairness but what’s fair about making me walk a mile to get to the store when there are a few spots open up front. But noo wait, those are for the environmental freaks!
So basically, those with enough money (oh about $30k) to be "Green" will have preferential parking.
Don’t appreciate it at all!
The End!

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