Thursday, May 7, 2009

Obama's Burger With Dijon Mustard | Mmm

I heard about Obama's visit to a local hamburger joint in Virginia with good ol' Joe (Joe Biden that is) earlier today as I’m sure everyone did considering how important the media thinks this information is. In any case, I just want to know what restaurant he went to! The whole mustard...grey poupon, Dijon, spicy mustard thing is not a big deal to me. It’s not half as bad as the time he cried out about the high price of Arugula at Whole Foods! What’s the biggie? I guess it is annoying that people think he is so down to earth when evidence supports the contrary. Enough about Obama’s condiment preferences, let’s talk about me! You know, I’ve been craving a really really good burger! Funny or embarrassing, I’ll let you decide but I was on the phone with my best friend having a whole conversation about burgers just yesterday (exciting, I knoww). Mmm...Cheeseburger! Okay I am beyond embarrassed right now but hey, it’s okay to indulge every once in a while. So when I heard this story I could care less about the Dijon mustard, I care about finding out where this burger joint is! I’m not joking. I will let you know how good the burger was after!

On a different note, with as much that’s going on in our country and the world...what is wrong with the media? Why are they focusing on Obama eating a hamburger? Are you kidding me? Oh my gosh, the President eats? I did not know that! Wait, you're telling me he knew how to order? Now you’re just playing games with me. A grown man ordering by himself, and with no that is a front page news story for sure!

Last but not least, I’m watching Hannity right now and there’s a segment called the Great American Panel where 3 guests (different views, backgrounds, etc) debate current events. Anyhow, one of the guests today is an actress that I am unfamiliar with. It’s one of those situations where you recognize someone but you’re not sure where and how! Let me just tell you, this lady is going to get her own show somewhere! She’s intelligent, different, spicy, and just gives it to you straight. Her name is Maria Conchita Alonso and I’m telling you, you’re going to hear from her again. I think Rich Lowry (one of the other guests) was just so taken back by her enthusiasm and wit, he was speechless ( and I’m sure he was also strategizing getting her to write a column for the National Review)! I guess it’s refreshing to hear from a celeb that can speak intelligently and unlike other celebs, knows from experience!

Saturday, May 2, 2009

Ann Coulter Shuts Joy Behar Down | Must Watch!

Joy Behar regularly guest hosts for Larry King when he’s out. (Just in case you’re not sure who she is…she’s that loud obnoxious co-host on the View). While interviewing Ann Coulter, Behar decides to ask her if she would like to be water boarded. Coulter may only be 100 pounds but she can definitely stand up for herself! She is one tough cookie! (Hmm…that makes me wonder, do you think she ever eats a cookie? I highly doubt it.)
Nevertheless, I have a serious question...Who asks that kind of question? We all know where Behar stands but have some respect for your guest no matter how much you disagree with them! Why would you ask if your guest wants to be water boarded? How dare she compare Coulter to detainees! What a fool! Coulter is a U.S citizen who has not committed a crime...get a life Behar and please do not sound so stupid next time.

Loves it!
Us blonde's always win!<3>

BTW, what the video doesn't show you is that right after Coulter brilliantly responds to the foolish question, Behar replies "Oh, that was quite a jump". No Joy, it really was not! If you were intelligent, you would understand that Coulter was showing you how ridiculous you sound by turning it around on you!
(I recommend you watch the whole interview as it was very interesting)

(H/T Townhall)

Friday, May 1, 2009

What Are The Democrats Doing To Keep America Safe?

Do you feel safer?

House Republican Leader John Boehner released this statement,

The American people are growing increasingly concerned about the Administration’s strategy – or, more precisely, lack of strategy – when it comes to confronting and defeating the terrorist threat. In fact, according to a new Rasmussen poll, only 42 percent of Americans believe we are winning the war on terrorism. That’s a 20 point drop since February – a staggering decline in confidence as the Administration begins its second 100 days.

Obama - "Just Say Non!"

At a time when French President Nicholas Sarkosy is working towards moving France closer to the center (before the financial crisis hit), we have a President who wants us to model the French.

You know...they say he’s intelligent but based on his policies and principles, how is that possible?

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